Insegnare con… It’s my time

Equipping students for success

Everyone wants an English course that helps students navigate a rapidly changing world while developing essential life skills.
In this webinar, we’ll explore what inspires and engages today’s students, emphasising the development of orientation and life skills for both their personal growth and their academic journey. We will discuss how students can take ownership of ‘their moment’ by using tools like Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), focusing on oracy, and integrating videos to enhance communication skills. Additionally, we will highlight the importance of Educazione Civica and global awareness through the Agenda 2030, to help prepare students for the future.

During the webinar, we'll be considering these topics − and more!

  • Orientation & life skills: Empowering students to be self-aware and navigate change with confidence
  • Oracy: Enhancing speaking and listening for effective communication
  • Interactive Learning: Using digital resources for personalised learning
  • Exam preparation: INVALSI and B1 Preliminary

Insegnare Inglese

Questo appuntamento fa parte di un ciclo
dedicato ai docenti di Inglese della
scuola Secondaria di I grado



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Docenti della Scuola Secondaria di II grado


Rachel Harraway

Rachel Harraway

Research Editor 

Michael Flynn

Michael Flynn

English Language Teaching Consultant